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Mortgage & More Painting

April 17th, 2020 at 12:59 pm

I paid my mortgage this morning, and my balance owed is finally under $60K. Just under - $59,955. It's taking a long time to bring it down, but I haven't been throwing much extra on it lately, just rounding up to the nearest $10. When I pay off the CC I put my car expenses on, I will throw that $300 extra at the mortgage.

Big expenses are coming up, though. You see in my sidebar that replacing my living room ceiling is a short term goal. For a long time the ceiling has been stable, and it still is, but the area that is bowing is more obvious now. This is the old original plaster ceiling, and it cannot be patched, it must be replaced, probably with drywall. I think it's going to be a costly process. But I don't plan to get started on it till the stay-at-home order is lifted.

I don't want to give up on the table, either. And a trip to Oregon, when travel is possible again, is something I must do. I haven't seen my son and his family for so long.

I have been lucky that my computer and my smartphone are holding up better than I thought. But the exhaust fan in the bathroom is important, too. Moisture has been affecting the walls and paint, even though I vent by cracking the window and leaving the bathroom door open when I shower.

Yesterday I painted a little lamp table in the same blue I used on the little chair. I'm working on the plant stand (which may be a wine rack, I don't know) to remove stickers and goo before I paint it. I found this piece in the alley and decided to rescue it some time ago. I don't need it, so I may try to sell it after I am done. I'm enjoying this so much, I may try to rescue other treasures to sell. When life becomes normal again.

I've identified two more pieces I will paint -- a small chest of drawers where I store gloves, scarves and hats -- and just the top of my dresser, which is marked up. The rest of the dresser is in great shape.

3 Responses to “Mortgage & More Painting”

  1. Wink Says:

    The exhaust fan in my bathroom works but it really doesn't do a very good job. I have a vornado floor fan that I put in the bathroom doorway and run it when I shower and it does a great job with the moisture. No foggy mirror!

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  3. CB in the City Says:

    A floor fan is a good idea that I never thought of. I'll give it a try!

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