Home > May


May 1st, 2020 at 06:32 pm

It's May Day, the beginning of another month of staying at home. I am completely in favor of our governor's order, and I am a bit concerned about all the areas that are opening up without any appreciable improvement in COVID-19 numbers. I hope these actions do not backfire into more cases, more deaths, more swamping of hospitals. For my part, I will stay at home.

I had a busy morning. I ordered my new license plates (or stickers, not sure which I'm getting). I was very pleased to be able to use my senior discount online -- that has never happened before -- I've always had to go the DVM in person or to the senior center. And it was only $1 extra to use a credit card, so the total cost was only $25.

Then I ordered shower curtain rings and printer cartridges from Amazon -- $83 all together.

My DIL asked for a grocery list from me, as she had nabbed a time slot from Amazon Foods. I gave her a modest list of seven items -- tuna, cheese, eggs, butter, onions, peppers, and chicken bouillon -- which were all in stock and will arrive tomorrow, cost as yet unknown. Then I decided to augment the list with a trip to Walgreens. There I got six more items, all treats -- two bags of Pepperidge Farm cookies, ice cream, pizza, peanuts, and, oh yes, one grocery item, a jar of Alfredo sauce, because I have fettuccine on hand. Yes, stress eating has set in, and I'm not apologizing.

My variables for last month were 63%. So far, one day in, variables for this month are 13%.

I took a late afternoon walk yesterday and met up with my grandsons in the park -- at a distance of course -- and I picked up another book from the little library. I am seeing the boys almost every day now, but just for a few minutes and not too close. But it's better than nothing! It's wonderful just to see their beautiful faces.

3 Responses to “May”

  1. Wink Says:

    I'm so glad that you are still able to see your grandsons, even if from a bit of a distance! I'm sure it brightens your day!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    I'm still jealous that you can check out books! LOL

    Glad you can see your grandsons, even at a distance.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    Well, it's not really checking out books; I'm talking about a Little Free Library -- do you have them in your area? Just a book exchange, really, and very limited selection! Can't wait until the real library opens again!

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