Home > Virtual Celebration

Virtual Celebration

May 2nd, 2020 at 02:03 pm

Yesterday DIL's event-planning company livestreamed a virtual celebration of a local club's 100th anniversary. It was a big success; I'm so happy it went well, and I'm hoping it will spur more business that way.

After my morning flurry of shopping and spending yesterday, I settled into another day at home. I finished a book, which I will take back to the little library today. I have eight more to go! I didn't realize I had stockpiled quite that much! I do donate a lot of books to the little libraries, so I don't feel too bad about it.

This morning I made apple danishes for breakfast, using crescent roll dough. They were delicious! Basically, I just made a paste of cream cheese, brown sugar and butter, spread it on the dough, sprinkled chopped apple on top, and sealed them up. After baking I added some leftover cookie icing on top. I love using stuff up that way. There is enough for breakfast tomorrow.

I boiled a whole package of macaroni yesterday. I mixed a lot of it into the leftover spaghetti sauce, and that went into the freezer (after I ate one serving). But there is still a lot of macaroni to deal with. Some will go into soup. The rest I may freeze in small batches to add to recipes. I don't want to make mac & cheese or macaroni salad again because I'm really tired of both of them.

Today will be a laundry day, and other than that, the day is pretty much open. It's a nice day, so I'll take a walk, but not until my groceries are delivered.

2 Responses to “Virtual Celebration”

  1. Wink Says:

    You have such creative ideas for using up food on hand. The danishes sound yummy!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Good use of your pasta. You said you were tired of macaroni salad. Do you make yours with mayo or with olive oil and vinegar? Maybe switch for the other to give yourself a change of pace.

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