Home > Financial discrepancies

Financial discrepancies

May 8th, 2020 at 04:51 pm

This morning I just got a coffee along with my free bagel so only $3 spent. I notice that Discover is reporting a different (lower) pending payment from Panera than is shown on the receipt, all the days I have gone there. Not sure what's going on there, but I hope the lower cost is the correct one.

My payment to Nicor, the company that supplies our gas, hit my account yesterday. It was only $16, and it was $29 last month. That, too, is weird.

I know I keep reporting that I am almost done with the paper sorting/filing/shredding -- but, honestly, I can't think of a single place I could find any more paper. I have three tiny piles right now. One to sort, one to file, and one to shred.

I cleaned my living room yesterday, and today's project is the bathroom. I know, that sags my spirits, too.

It has turned ridiculously cold, and a freeze is predicted. I will be happily staying at home today.

4 Responses to “Financial discrepancies”

  1. Wink Says:

    That cold weather is heading my way, we are under a freeze watch Saturday and Sunday morning. I'll be happily at home too!

  2. Carol Says:

    I pulled my lots of chard into the garage and jury rigged covers over the lettuce plants in the flower bed. Yikes!

  3. Lucky Robin Says:

    I swear the papers just breed and hide themselves in every nook and cranny. I've got a bin full I need to shred and then a bin I need to sort, file or shred. I told myself after the last time I would do it as I went, but that lasted about a month. I will start on it tonight.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    I agree...I think papers multiply on their own when we turn off the lights!

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