Home > Another Day, Another Bagel

Another Day, Another Bagel

May 9th, 2020 at 05:26 pm

I am enjoying these bagel outings. Only two more. I spent $3 today. Variables are at 25%.

I found .20 by the garbage dumpster yesterday! It was one nickel and the rest pennies. Don't know why the change was dumped there, but I picked it up and soaked it in hot soapy water, then washed my hands carefully.

I cleaned the bathroom yesterday and today I will clean the bedroom. Tomorrow I will not clean -- it's Mother's day! But on Monday and Tuesday I will clean the kitchen. I think I will make it a two-day job, even though my kitchen is small. The kitchen is a lot more complicated than other rooms.

My Earth shoes (sandals) arrived, and they fit great with my orthotics inserted! Just what I was hoping. I got them so deeply discounted, they were not returnable, and I figured I would pass them on to someone else if they didn't work. But I'm so glad they did! I am very hopeful now that I'll be able to wear them somewhere this summer, besides just at home!

2 Responses to “Another Day, Another Bagel”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    Pennies (and a nickel) from heaven! Our local Panera was planning a drive-through, but it's not finished. A bit jealous of your bagels!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Wow, pennies, free bagel, and good fitting shoes. You rock!

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