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Computer Resurrection

May 16th, 2020 at 06:06 pm

Well, my old computer is now behaving itself, after being powered off for a few days. The new one is in the midst of being shipped, and is supposed to arrive on Monday. I am probably going to keep the new one, unless I just hate it. This computer has been glitchy in the past and this most recent episode was plain weird and very distressing. I don't trust it. BUT, if it had only righted itself before I ordered a new one, I would probably would have soldiered on with it and saved the money.

I've spent $3 on laundry the last few days, and my variables are at 36%. Finances are doing fine, even with the $600 expenditure for a new laptop.

I've continued to work on my spring cleaning, and I'm still in the kitchen! I cleaned the oven today, but I didn't have oven cleaner. I used a baking soda paste (overnight) which worked well in the past, but this time it really only did a mediocre job. When I get out again, or when DIL offers to grocery shop, I'll get the cleaner and try again. I am planning on a concierge visit (for seniors only) at Sam's on Tuesday, and maybe I'll get it then -- but I'm afraid if I buy oven cleaner there, I'll get WAY too much. A concierge visit, by the way, is staying in your car while an associate takes your order and gets your stuff. I haven't done it, but I think it's time. I need laundry detergent.

Now I only have the inside of the fridge and the floor to do, and the kitchen's done. And it's time to start the next cycle around the house, which should be SO much easier, since I've done a lot of things that won't have to be done again for a while.

Paperwork, too, is trickling down to the very end. The closer I get to the end the less I want to do it. Gotta push myself.

Still watching Handmaid's Tale -- I'm so absorbed by it, but it is also so sad and scary. I read the books, so I knew what was coming, but somehow the dramatization is more upsetting.

5 Responses to “Computer Resurrection”

  1. Wink Says:

    I had a temperamental laptop that used to freeze up on me at the worse times. I kept putting off getting a new one because it always seemed to resolve. Then one day it just died and I felt rushed to get a new one because I use it every day. Might be a good thing you went ahead and got the new one. You never know!

  2. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Unfortunate that you had to upgrade your computer and then it started working - don’t know how many times at work I’d have a computer problem that would magically fix itself when an IT technician would show up!!! Sorry you had to replace it but hope you enjoy the new one! At least you know you can transfer all the data now as the old one is working now.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    It just figures your computer would resurrect itself after you ordered another; kind of like when you take your car to the mechanic and once the mechanic looks, nothing happens.

    So, want to come downstate and clean my oven? LOL

  4. CB in the City Says:

    Yeah, the old computer definitely pulled a fast one on me, but I am okay with getting a new one. You can see on my sidebar a new laptop has been one of my short term goals for a while!

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    My old computer was about five years old two years ago and seemed like it was slowing down. So I decided to get a new one before it died on me. My new computer is now two years old ... and my 7 year old computer is still going strong (mostly used to play swagbucks videos.) So ... you never know.

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