Home > Rain, Rain and More Rain

Rain, Rain and More Rain

May 17th, 2020 at 10:53 pm

It has rained steadily all day long. It's very dreary. But it was good weather for binge-watching! I finished all three seasons of The Handmaid's Tale, which is great because today is the last day of the free streaming. I thought it might be completely wrapped up at the end, but it looks like they left it open for another season.

In my hallway, I have a bunch of photos of my family attached to the wall by Command strips. Most of them stay up fine, but for some reason, DS2's high school graduation picture keeps jumping off the wall, and yesterday the frame broke as it fell once again. I guess I will order a new frame, since that's not an easy thing to shop for right now. One that's more lightweight! I also need to replace my kitchen clock. But I'll wait for the new computer before I do any ordering.

My spring cleaning is done -- now it's just maintenance -- and today being Sunday I didn't do any cleaning at all except for the daily things. It's a good feeling. While I have to be home all the time, it might as well be clean and tidy.

I am not hearing as much from friends as I did at the beginning of the lockdown, but I did hear from one yesterday who sent me pictures of her new beehives. She and her husband are trying out beekeeping, which I guess is as good a diversion as any during the pandemic. I wish I could do something outdoorsy like that, but I have no yard; I'm really a total insider now.

Cook County, where I live, just surpassed Queens County in New York as having the most reported cases of COVID-19. That's a dubious honor, and it's going to keep me inside more than ever.

My mental health is somewhat affected. I have to fight the blues more now than I ever did. I have to talk myself out of it, and remind myself to stay strong; that it might be a long haul. I think, when I get the new computer, I'm going to get back to writing again. Even though it probably won't be much good, I have found in the past that writing makes the time fly like nothing else, and it would be a good thing to do when the hours are dragging.

4 Responses to “Rain, Rain and More Rain”

  1. Wink Says:

    I've been binge watching Downton Abbey all day today. It's been overcast all day here, with rain expected most of next week.

  2. Creditcardfree Says:

    I may try beekeeping one day. I love bees! I have three pots with food in them. Someday back to a big garden!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    They were in the middle of filming season 4 when the whole pandemic thing hit. So ...someday there should be a season 4.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry about the frame.

    One thing I have discovered is that many of the friends who always say "keep in touch" aren't the ones who do the reaching out.

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