Yesterday a nice young man came in response to my Freecycle ad and took the old tank and all the accessories away. It feels so good to have that whole episode done.
No movement forward on the ceiling repair. I put in an online question to the property management company, asking for help in securing a contractor. There has been no response, other than a stock answer that they have received my message. If there is nothing today, I'll proceed on my own. But I would like their input, because I know others in the building have gone through the same thing.
I posed a plan to BFF that when the time comes, I come to visit her for a few days, while they take down the old plaster. She was okay with it. What to do with Iggy though? He can't stay while the work is being done. BFF has an elderly cat that won't get along with him. DS has a cat that bullies him. I hate to board him. Since he was a shelter cat, I'm afraid he will think he has been abandoned again, and with his age and the state of his health, it might be traumatic.
But since I am nowhere near getting the work done, I won't worry about that yet.
I did two loads of laundry yesterday (and I will today) and two utility bills were withdrawn from my bank account. Variables are at 75% with just a week to go.
Step One is Over
June 23rd, 2020 at 12:15 pm
June 23rd, 2020 at 01:03 pm 1592913802
What about taking Iggy with you but confining him to one room at BFF's place? You could put a litter box in that room. It wouldn't be a good long-term solution but for a few days it might work, provided that the travel would be okay with him.
June 23rd, 2020 at 02:38 pm 1592919519
June 23rd, 2020 at 02:52 pm 1592920352
June 24th, 2020 at 12:33 pm 1592998382
Angie's List is a good idea!