Home > Good Game!

Good Game!

July 3rd, 2020 at 02:13 pm

Our team won by one point, after coming back from eight points behind. Very exciting! So cute to see the boys at the end, lining up to do the "good game" hand slap, but instead tossing their hats, in respect for the no-contact guidelines.

My phone froze yesterday and it was quite a while before it rebooted. It's been glitchy in other ways, and, of course, replacement has been on my list for a while. But I don't want to do it now, when I am so strapped by the ceiling repair! I will if I have to, though. I can't be without an operational phone.

Today should be a pretty calm, do-nothing day. It will be hot. In fact, we are in a hot spell. I ran the air all day yesterday, and I will probably have to turn it on soon. I have been able to do without at night, sleeping under the ceiling fan.

It should also be a no-spend day. But I am looking forward to receiving my new lamp!

2 Responses to “Good Game!”

  1. LifeBalance Says:

    Your reference to the line of 'good game' hand slaps brought back memories!

  2. My English Castle Says:

    Sounds like fun, CB! You're a better heat sleeper than me; I don't mind the heat so much in the day, but I like it cool sleeping.

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