Home > Happy Fourth!

Happy Fourth!

July 4th, 2020 at 02:12 pm

I won't be doing anything for the 4th today. However, tomorrow I will meet with the fam in the park for a picnic. These picnics and baseball games are saving my sanity.

Yesterday I went to the bank to get quarters for laundry. Since I was halfway to Panera, I went on from there and used my free $10 gift card to buy bagels and cream cheese. That will take care of six breakfasts to come.

The rest of the day I stayed home, as the temperature rose. In the evening it was quite uncomfortable -- probably because of the dew point. Still, stubborn as can be, I didn't turn on the air and slept all night without it, knowing it was going to cool off eventually. It is nice and cool this morning (for the time being), but I had a pretty restless night. We are in for a spell of hot weather, so now I'm resigned to turning on the air when it gets too hot.

My AAA membership hit. I had a trial for one of the premium services, which offers a much longer towing range, among other things. In the interest of safety I decided to keep it and did not cancel after the trial. Now the first payment is hitting at the wrong time, but I will just suck it up.

Variables are at 14%, with the inclusion of the $96 fee.

1 Responses to “Happy Fourth!”

  1. Debbie Says:

    I have been using a dehumidifier for the past few weeks. I am so pleasantly surprised with it. It is still hot, but not hot and humid, which was much more uncomfortable. Also, I use the water it draws out of the air to water my balcony plants. Win-win.

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