Home > Quiet Day

Quiet Day

July 7th, 2020 at 02:25 pm

Yesterday was a very quiet day for me. I had one load of laundry to do, and I did a bit of vacuuming. No cooking, it was too hot. I filled my time with reading, watching TV, and playing computer games.

I had a serving of the French onion soup I made the day before, and it was delicious! Instead of heating it up under the broiler, I warmed up the soup in a pan, and toasted the bread and cheese in the toaster oven. Then I just put the warm soup in a bowl and popped the toast & cheese on top. I'm going to have another serving today, and then I might put the rest in the freezer.

For dinner I had what my mom used to call a "salad plate," which hardly ever had salad on it! What it really was was kind of a curated collection of items from the pantry and fridge. The point was -- no cooking, in addition to using things up. My salad plate included sliced peaches, crackers and peanuts.

There is a baseball game scheduled tonight, and it will be hot. Wish this heat wave would leave; it's definitely affecting the quality of life.

3 Responses to “Quiet Day”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    We were blessed with a half an inch of rain yesterday which helped DH's garden in all this heat. Hope you can stay cool at the game.

  2. miranop Says:

    hey, it is so good that you have quiet day now, it is a bit hard to calm down because of crysis and other things. i like the spirit, tnhks.
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  3. miranop Says:

    hey, it is so good that you have quiet day now, it is a bit hard to calm down because of crysis and other things. i like the spirit, tnhks.
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    cell tracking apps are created for improving this spirit, you don`t need to think about your spouse all day long, the app will do it for you

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