Home > Yesterday


July 8th, 2020 at 02:54 pm

Yesterday was a day of some drama. First of all, it was a peak savings day, which means I was invited to reduce my electrical usage as much as possible between the hours of 3 and 7, in exchange for a credit on my bill. I turned everything off, including the air. Since I was planning to leave at 5 for the baseball game, I thought it wouldn't be too bad.

No sooner did I turn it all off, I got a message from the property manager that there was a gas leak, and the gas had been turned off. There was never any further information on that. This morning I turned on a burner, and it was working. I didn't need to cook, so it was a non-issue for me, but still a little unsettling that there was a leak.

At five I headed out to the game, but after a few blocks I noticed that my malfunction indicator light was on. I stopped and looked it up in my manual. Apparently, it is much like a check engine light. The manual advised that I cease driving and take the car to a Kia dealer.

So I went home and missed the game. I won't actually take the car to the dealer for a few days. I would rather wait till my Discover card cycle closes, just in case it turns out to be a big expense. I also won't drive the car for those few days. There is nothing I need right now.

Of course, it was really hot at home, and the sweat was pouring off my face. But I was in for a penny, so I decided to sweat it out. At seven I turned everything on again, and it wasn't long before I cooled off. It wasn't a pleasant evening, though.

This morning it is cool -- for the time being -- and I have a fan running.

2 Responses to “Yesterday”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    I've been going to AutoZone as they'll use their computer to see why the "check engine" light is on--for free! Usually it's been a solenoid--or was in my other car. Not a big deal.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    That's a good idea. I forgot they would do that.

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