Home > Nice and Cool

Nice and Cool

July 10th, 2020 at 01:58 pm

Today it is nice and cool after a stormy night. I wish it would last. I ran the air for most of the day and all of the night yesterday.

I did a load of laundry yesterday, which was my only spending. Variables remain at 14%.

I finished up my French onion soup yesterday at lunch, and made a frozen pizza for dinner. The soup was so good, I just kept eating it, rather than putting in the freezer. I plan on making mac and cheese (from scratch) today.

My freezer is beginning to look about half full.

My big errand of the day will be to go to AutoZone, where, I hope, they will tell me the check engine light is on for a insignificant reason. Here's hoping. Otherwise, I will go from there to the Kia dealer to deal with whatever is wrong with the car.

Ball game tonight, if the car is working.

3 Responses to “Nice and Cool”

  1. Amber Says:

    No bad on no spending, I love days like those

  2. crazyliblady Says:

    Congrats. I just wanted to offer a small comment. Years ago, I lost the gas cap on my car. I fully intended to replace it, but had to wait a few days until payday. In the meantime, the engine light came on. I took it to the dealer and $118.00 later, I found out the light came on because of the missing gas cap.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Hope you get good news on the car. Like crazyliblady, my check engine light came on because I didn't tighten the gas cap tight enough.

    Yay on filling up the freezer!

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