Home > Headache


July 12th, 2020 at 01:49 pm

I battled a headache all day yesterday. It finally started letting up around bedtime. Maybe watching "My Fair Lady" did it. One of the sillier musicals, but I love Audrey Hepburn, and the music.

I am in full scrimping mode. Since I had to return my groceries on Friday, and I don't have transportation, I am making do with what I have. I can walk to Walgreens if I must, and I can always ask my son to get something if I have to have it, but I am going to try to power through this. Today I'm going to make toast and peanut butter for breakfast, mac & cheese for lunch and pizza for dinner. The last two are leftovers.

Yesterday was fairly cool in comparison to the way it's been, so I ran the air only for a few hours, and I was able to sleep without it last night. I have participated in "Peak Savings Days" twice this summer -- a voluntary program in which you reduce your electric usage for a certain period of time in order to earn a small credit. (The real purpose, of course, is to help relieve the load when usage is high.) I am hoping the electric bill won't be shocking, but it probably will be. It has just been so hot.

2 Responses to “Headache”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Glad the headache let up. Do you think it might have been brought about the pressure system due to storms south of you?

  2. CB in the City Says:

    I don't know, Rob, maybe! I never really know where my headaches come from.

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