Home > Monday Musings

Monday Musings

July 13th, 2020 at 08:25 pm

Yesterday my ex dropped by with a check to cover half of my ceiling repair and the car repair. I am pretty flummoxed. I don't know where this sudden generosity is coming from, but right now I won't look a gift horse in the mouth! I feel quite relieved. I won't have to go into debt.

I let my contractor know that he can schedule the repair at his convenience. I hope the heat will let up enough to let him do it.

My son sent over some Irish butter and syrup. When he picked me up at the auto shop, I told him about returning my groceries at Aldi, and that my only regret was missing out on the butter and syrup. My grandson brought them over. I sent $15 to cover the cost. I made apple pancakes for breakfast!

I finished the last piece of pizza for lunch, and I'll have a light supper. There are still a couple of servings of mac and cheese for the next two days.

I'm doing my linens laundry today. It's cool enough that I don't have to turn on the air. Second day in a row!

3 Responses to “Monday Musings”

  1. Michelle Says:

    what a wonderful surprise. i'm so happy for you.

  2. Amber Says:

    Aw that was very nice

  3. My English Castle Says:

    That's great news! I've always admired your relationship with him--and I'm sure he sees how much you do for your family too. What a relief.

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