Home > Hopes for the Car, and Grocery Plans

Hopes for the Car, and Grocery Plans

July 14th, 2020 at 04:41 pm

My car MAY be ready today. That's if the part comes in, and if they have time to fix it after that. I'm really not expecting that it will be ready. I just hope it will be ready tomorrow.

Plans for today are doing a load of laundry, cleaning in the kitchen, and finishing the book I'm reading.

Food stores are holding up well, but when I get the car I will fill in the gaps. For instance, I have sandwich rolls in the freezer, but no filling for them. I have no milk of any kind -- powdered, evaporated, regular or almond. I have nothing fresh except some apples. As far as vegetables go, I have only one bag of frozen green beans. It's time to do some shopping. I think I will go to Jewel, because I would like to try the A2 milk, and I think they are the only local store that carries it.

3 Responses to “Hopes for the Car, and Grocery Plans”

  1. mumof2 Says:

    We use A2 milk all the has really helped my hubbys breathing and the kids sensitive is great stuff

  2. Carol Says:

    What is A2 milk? Will have to look that up.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    A2 milk is a more easily digestible for some people. It may be the answer for some who think they are lactose-intolerant. I think I am, but I'm willing to try this.

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