Home > Coin Shortage

Coin Shortage

July 16th, 2020 at 01:40 pm

Today I'm worrying about the coin shortage. I have only one roll of quarters in reserve for laundry. That will go fast.

I'm going to stop washing linens every Monday -- let the sheets go for two weeks. I will change my bath towel every week, but I'll let them pile up before I wash them. I do have quite a few that I don't use because they're the wrong color or slightly frayed, etc. I hang onto them in case of a leak, or something, but now is a good time to use them for their original purpose.

As far as clothing goes, I'm already hand-washing my bras. I'll try hand-washing other things as well. I hear the bathtub works well as a laundry basin!

If worse comes to worse, I can ask my ex if I can use his machine. Maybe the kids and I can have a laundry party at his house, since they are in the same situation.

With any luck, the shortage won't last too long.

This morning I thoroughly cleaned Iggy's litter box (all the components separate -- it's a Breeze box). I also washed the floor under the box. It is definitely much fresher in there!

My variables are only at 23%, which is very good for this time of the month. However, neither the car repair nor my property tax payment is included in that, since each exceeds $200.

7 Responses to “Coin Shortage”

  1. Creditcardfree Says:

    Who owns the machines? Is there anything they could do to help? My daughter's college dorms took debit cards, or took money from account after swiping ID. Could they sell quarters back to residents? You do have a good solution in the meantime.

  2. Stephanie Says:

    I've been reading about the coin shortage since yesterday. I hadn't thought about this ever happening. I have a glass water cooler jug that is partially filled with found coins and spare change. I call it my Tahiti fund (for when I may feel like an escape is needed. LOL). Maybe it's time to empty and haul the coins to the bank.

  3. Lots of Ideas Says:

    You could email your building’s management company and ask if they can sell you coins.
    Or, since all residents are in the same boat, see if they can reduce or eliminate the cost for the duration, maybe in return for a ten dollar add to condo fees.

    I live be in a small building, and the person who handles the money is selling our quarters back to us. It saves him carrying them to the bank!

  4. Amber Says:

    When this pandemic first started, I went back to using my debit card, I never thought of the impact it would have on actually currency flowing.

  5. Lots of Ideas Says:

    I had @$120 in my wallet on March 16, Today I have @$100, I tipped my hairstylist in cash. Pre pandemic, I used @$200 in cash each month...staying at home definitely saves me money!

  6. CB in the City Says:

    The machines are owned by a company that is under contract to our property management company. Selling quarters back to us is a good idea. I wonder how that would work, though. I have only seen the "collector" a few times.

  7. rob62521 Says:

    My husband almost always pays in correct change. It has been interesting to see the reaction lately. Hopefully you can figure out a good solution until the coin shortage abates.

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