Home > Last Night's Baseball Game

Last Night's Baseball Game

July 17th, 2020 at 01:29 pm

Last night's baseball game was well attended. Too well attended. There were many games going on in the park and it was crowded. Most people were wearing masks, but there was not much in the way of social distancing. I felt uneasy.

There are two games this weekend, both away games at different parks. Maybe there will be more space. Maybe the heat will keep people away. If I feel uneasy again, I will leave. I think my grandson will understand; he is a pretty smart guy.

No financial news today.

This is the start of a heat-up. It's nice right now, but I will probably be running the air all weekend.

You may notice in my sidebar that I am reading "The Stand" by Stephen King. It is about a pandemic -- much worse than ours -- but there are familiar echoes in this story.

4 Responses to “Last Night's Baseball Game”

  1. Wink Says:

    It will be sizzling this weekend in Maryland too. We are expecting the heat index to be over 100 degrees. Stay cool and hydrated!

  2. Amber Says:

    Definitely stay safe CB and keep us posted on the book, I’m always looking for something new to read

  3. Lucky Robin Says:

    That's one of the few Stephen King novels I like, but it does get overly graphic at times. I loved the miniseries they did of it many years ago with Molly Ringwald, Gary Sinese, Matt Frewer, and Rob Lowe, though I don't think it shows the level of horror that was in the book.

  4. CB in the City Says:

    It is definitely very graphic! But I find myself very involved in what will happen to the characters. I don't like horror novels as a rule, but this is a different kind of horror. More believable.

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