Home > This and That

This and That

July 19th, 2020 at 01:05 pm

I ordered 100 pads for the litter box from Amazon on Friday -- $41 after using a coupon and my cash back from the Chase Amazon credit card. I ordered carbon pads this time, which are supposed to control odor better. They should arrive on Monday.

Variables are at 28%.

We have been experiencing record heat -- heat indexes above 100 -- and I have been running the air most of the time. I do give it a rest in the morning, when the coolness has built up overnight.

Yesterday evening I attended my grandson's baseball game. I was worried that it would be too hot for the boys to play, but it didn't seem to affect their performance. There was a gentle rain about halfway through that helped a lot. I was sitting under a tree, and there were breezes, so I was not particularly uncomfortable.

The high school in my city published a proposal for school this fall -- 100% e-learning. There may be pushback from parents who want the school to babysit, and students who want to socialize, but I think it is a good thing. Clearly the virus is getting worse. The school, large as it is, cannot accommodate 4000 students and keep them socially distant. It would be a petri dish of disease. I hope the lower grade schools follow suit.

6 Responses to “This and That”

  1. Dido Says:

    CB, are those the Breeze pads? I can't think of any other litter system that uses pads.

    If so, please indicate how you like them. I've been using the Breeze system for my kitties for over a decade now. Buffy has diabetes that I am trying to keep in check with medication, but another medication for her biliary tract condition puts her numbers up, so these days, I make sure to change the pad for her preferred litter box every other day.

    Glad you were able to get out and enjoy GS's game in reasonable comfort.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog post, too! :^)

  2. Wink Says:

    Maryland is under an excessive heat warning through Tuesday, over 100 degree heat expected each day. I keep my thermostat set at 78 degrees but it is kicking on quite frequently. I dread my next utility bill!

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Downstate it is awfully hot too, and no rain.

  4. CB in the City Says:

    Dido, it is the Breeze system, but the pads I ordered are made by ValuePad and ordered through Amazon. The Breeze pads are great, but expensive. I change Iggy's pad every other day as well.

  5. Dido Says:

    I agree, the Breeze pads are costly. Let me know how the carbon pads work!

  6. My English Castle Says:

    A bit north of you so yesterday was better. That humidity Saturday night was really tropical. So glad you get to go to the games.

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