Home > Long Day

Long Day

July 20th, 2020 at 04:35 pm

There was a baseball game scheduled yesterday, but morning storms made the field too wet, so the game was cancelled. Therefore, I had a long day of being inside. I did a lot of reading.

My one excitement of the day will be getting the new litter box pads from Amazon. Fingers crossed!

I have been watching "Turn" on Netflix. It's rather gory, and half the time I don't exactly follow what's going on, but I really like that period of history (early America) and the settings and costumes are spot on. I once lived in Williamsburg, Virginia, so I am very attuned to that era.

And I just started watching "Breaking Bad," mainly because DIL likes it, and it got so many Emmy awards. I have to admit the first episode has got me interested, although the subject (high school teacher making meth) is not exactly up my alley.

No cooking planned for today -- I'm already set with stuffed pepper casserole to warm up for lunch, and a beef and cheddar mini-sub for dinner (with soup). Breakfast was blueberry pancakes and bacon. I'm eating good!

Today's housework will be vacuuming and mopping in the dining room. My new method of one room at a time is working well. But I don't clean the whole room in one day. I usually devote two or three days to it, so I don't have to do too much. I much prefer this to my old method of panic-cleaning everything because someone is coming. This way the house is reasonably tidy and clean all the time.

No laundry today. I will switch out towels but no washing linens till next Monday. Saving those quarters!

2 Responses to “Long Day”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    I really got into "Breaking Bad"; it's pretty awful at times, but the moral questions and premise is interesting. I'll take a look at "Turn." I need a new British drama, and maybe "Turn" is close enough!

  2. lurker Says:

    Turn is very confusing! And it will get worse, but the last season is pretty good. Watch Breaking Bad for the skill of acting, cinematography, writing, and character development. There are no protagonists, once you can accept that, it is enjoyable.

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