Today I'm heading out to Walgreens to pick up some groceries and toiletries.
I'm also going to sit down and make my summer order of free OTC items, which is a benefit of my Medicare Advantage plan.
Yesterday I was vacuuming in the dining room and I knocked off the edge of the table! It's fallen off before, but I thought I had repaired it. I rescued the hardware and set it aside with the slat that came off. Table repair/refinishing is now a bigger priority, but of course I have to get the ceiling done first, and that won't happen until August. Oh, this is all happening so slowly, and there is so much to do.
It has turned nice and cool and I haven't had to run the air much. I even slept without it last night. The electricity bill is pending now in my bank account, and it is only $35, much less than I was expecting. It must mostly reflect the time before the weather turned so hot.
It's been a nice no-spending period, but today's trip to Walgreens will change that!
Oh yes, the carbon pads for the litter box came -- in fact, my nice neighbor brought the package right to my door! -- but I won't be testing the pad until the current one has to be replaced, and that will be tomorrow. I will let you know, Dido, and anyone else using the Breeze litter box system.
Today's Plans
July 21st, 2020 at 02:37 pm