Yesterday I spent $38 on food at Walgreens, and $42 for toiletries/paper goods. It was more than I expected to spend, but I bought many items in duplicate in order to take advantage of a lower unit price.
Variables are now at 32%.
My little fan, which I use to dehumidify the bathroom, didn't work when I turned it on yesterday. I moved it to a different outlet and it still didn't work. Later in the day I became aware of a quiet background noise -- the fan was running! Apparently I hadn't turned it off. So maybe it will continue to work for a while and I won't have to replace it right away. It's probably something I will order online rather than pick up at a store.
I sat down and ordered my free OTC items yesterday -- this time I got Vitamin D, 2 containers of Tums, Pepcid, and generic Lactaid.
And that reminds me -- I am apparently not one of the people who is helped by A2 milk. I will have to just drink a glass of it to be sure, but I am having reactions to food made with it, like cream of tomato soup.
I got an email from Walgreens saying my statin prescription is due to be refilled. They do this so early -- I actually have almost a whole bottle, and it's not because I have neglected to take it. Anyway, I decided to switch to Optum-RX, which is a mail order prescription service through my Medicare Advantage plan. Through that, I can get 3 months' worth for $0.00. Can't beat that. My statin is cheap, but free is better. I will see more significant savings when I switch my other prescription, gabapentin, but it is not due for refill yet.
It remains nice and cool. I'm really glad -- not only do I get to have the windows open rather than running the air, but tonight there is a baseball game. Should be perfect baseball weather.
Shopping at Walgreens
July 22nd, 2020 at 02:33 pm
July 22nd, 2020 at 03:40 pm 1595428857
July 22nd, 2020 at 11:13 pm 1595456025
July 26th, 2020 at 08:01 pm 1595790091