Logged another no-spend day; my variables are at 37% with a week to go.
The days are passing pretty quickly but I am feeling a general lack of accomplishment. For one thing, I haven't exercised much because of the heat. I'm going to try to change that; just find some simple daily exercises I can do inside. Non-bouncy ones, so I don't drive my downstairs neighbors crazy. Most days it's been too hot even to take a short walk. I've been doing the housework, slowly, but haven't worked on any projects. I don't operate well in summer.
I'm going to do a load of laundry today.
I am finally ready to return "The Stand" to the tiny library -- maybe early tomorrow morning when it's cool again. The heat is cranking up after a few pleasant days. I placed five books on hold at the public library. With any luck, some will be ready soon.
Another No-Spend Day
July 25th, 2020 at 06:00 pm
July 25th, 2020 at 07:54 pm 1595703253
I find it easier than yoga.
There are videos on you tube, and I can also find them on demand on my cable.
I’m not saying I am doing them...but they are a nice in home exercise alternative!
Maybe you will inspire me to get moving 🙂
July 26th, 2020 at 07:55 pm 1595789707
I was so glad when our library reopened, even if it was just to pick up books at first. I was running out of things to read.