Home > Panera and Sam's

Panera and Sam's

July 28th, 2020 at 05:32 pm

I had to move the car for street sweeping at 9, so I decided to run errands. I went to Panera and used my gift card to buy bread and bagels. I got a great deal on the bagels -- they were selling a baker's dozen for $6.99. I also bought a breakfast sandwich and coffee. I was planning to sit outside to eat, but the tables were not shaded and the view was the parking lot. The restaurant was almost empty, so I ate inside for the first time since March.

Then I went to Sam's, where I bought strawberries, apples, blueberries, granola, creamer and Drumsticks! Okay, that last was a total splurge, but I have been having nostalgic cravings for them and I just sort of ran into them on the freezer shelf, where they were saying "Buy me! Buy me!" Can't wait to treat myself to one. Total cost was $40.

I bought gas for $18 while I was there. Variables are now at 45%.

I stopped at a tiny library and returned three books, and took one. I wasn't expecting to do that, since I can now put books on hold at the real library, but it was a favorite author, Hilary Mantel.

Now I'm just resting before the game -- which won't happen till 6. The temperature is cooler and the humidity is lower, so it should be a pleasant evening.

3 Responses to “Panera and Sam's”

  1. Amber Says:

    I haven’t sat inside of a restaurant in months, I can’t wait. Good for you

  2. Wink Says:

    We had a group of 6 of us that would get together and go out to eat once a month. We would explore new restaurants. I miss that so much.

  3. RaquelF Says:

    I love Drumsticks!

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