Home > Last Regular Baseball Game

Last Regular Baseball Game

July 29th, 2020 at 05:16 pm

Yesterday's game was a win, and cool and breezy to boot! It was the last game in the regular season. Tournaments start next week. That means that baseball could end soon, if our team loses.

I thought it was cool enough last night to leave the air off, but I didn't sleep well. Now it's getting sticky again. I'll turn the air on, but I wish I didn't have to. The units are so noisy. I love the peaceful quiet when they are off.

I used some leftover cheese and mushrooms in an omelet this morning. I have just enough lettuce for another salad, and I will make some tuna salad for sandwiches. That should get me through today, and part of tomorrow.

I am taking up Wink's grocery challenge. Is it Wink? Are East Coast Saver and Wink the same? Anyway, I would like to spend less on groceries, too. It's been kind of out of hand.

One of my books is ready for pickup at the library. I had to make an appointment to pick it up. That will be tomorrow morning. I will stay in my car, in the designated spot in the underground garage, and they will bring it out to me. Interesting.

1 Responses to “Last Regular Baseball Game”

  1. Wink Says:

    I'm so glad you will be joining me for the challenge! Yes, when I post on my blog I'm East Coast Saver and Wink when I respond to comments. I'm not sure how I managed to do that when I joined long ago.

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