Home > July Recap

July Recap

July 31st, 2020 at 04:36 pm

It's the end of July. I won't spend anything today, unless I buy something at the baseball game tonight (and that hasn't happened yet all year.) But if GS2 is there, and the ice cream truck goes by -- I might get something. If so, it'll go on next month's spending record.

July was a very expensive month. Here is how it played out:

Home Repair/Maintenance: $1375
Housing: $774
Car Repair/Maintenance: $683
Insurance: $656
Taxes: $330
Utilities: $179
Groceries: $148
Fees/Services: $96
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor: $64
Phone: $51
Personal: $42
Vet/Pet Supplies: $41
Medical/Health: $26
Gas: $18
Laundry: $12
Entertainment: $9
Eating Out/Takeout: $7

Grand Total: $4511
Variables: 51%

The home repair expense is the first half of the ceiling repair -- which hasn't been scheduled yet! But we discussed August, so I expect to get it scheduled soon.

Car repair: replacement of the coolant system.

Insurance: semi-annual auto insurance payment

Taxes: second semi-annual payment of property tax

Groceries: my average this year has been $140, so it's pretty much on target, but I would like to reduce this.

Fees/Services: AAA membership

Furnishing/Equipment/Decor: a new lamp

Personal: Deoderant, pads, conditioner

Vet/Pet Supplies: pads for litter box

Everything just seemed to fall on me at once. Thanks to a generous gift from my ex, I am afloat.

No plans today aside from the baseball game. This is not a tournament game, but a makeup game from a previous rainout.

There will be no baseball this fall -- nor flag football -- due to COVID restrictions.

Another month down. Maybe we are one month closer to the end of this pandemic.

1 Responses to “July Recap”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    I was hoping we were getting closer to the end of the pandemic and now it seems like our states' numbers are starting to creep up again.

    Hopefully August is a less expensive month for you!

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