Home > Indoor Friday

Indoor Friday

August 28th, 2020 at 01:56 pm

I'm planning a day inside. It's going to be hot, but we're going to get a break tomorrow. I will crank up the air and get things done around the house.

I'll be doing a load of laundry. I am NOT going to go out for lunch. I'm having a bagel and stewed apples for breakfast, and will have spaghetti for lunch, with green beans on the side. Not sure about dinner; I am so often not hungry at dinnertime.

I'm going to work on cleaning up in the kitchen. The dust drifted even there, the furthest point from the living room.

Yesterday I got my new ride-free card (for bus and train). It has been renewed for two years and I didn't even have to reapply, since the office that issues it is closed.

I went to the library and picked up a couple of books I had on hold. So far it is working out pretty well; the books become available about the time that I need them.

I learned that my cousin in NC, the one I used to live with, caught COVID-19 while in rehab after a fall. I am feeling so bad for her, and hoping hard that she doesn't get worse. At least she is already in a place that will provide care.

1 Responses to “Indoor Friday”

  1. East Coast Saver (Wink) Says:

    I'm sorry to hear about your cousin CB. I hope she will be OK.

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