Home > August Recap

August Recap

September 1st, 2020 at 12:45 pm

Home Repair/Maintenance - $1765
Housing - $774
Utilities - $198
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $171
Clothing - $75
Eating Out/Takeout - $66
Vet/Pet Supplies - $55
Phone - $51
Fees/Services - $43
Groceries - $33
Gifts/Charity - $27
Medical/Health - $26
Gas - $22
Laundry - $17
Personal - $13
Entertainment - $9
Car Repair/Maintenance - $5

Grand Total - $3350

Well, it was what it was. Home repair skyrocketed. Eating out was higher than it's been any time since the pandemic began. It was my birthday month, so I bought myself a new lamp, a pair of booties, and some new bras.

I hope September will be better. The good news -- I paid off my car, and I still have a $1000+ balance in savings. And also, there is that amazing $33 on groceries!

I won't get a technician to look at my dishwasher until Friday. Then it will be a $109 service fee, whatever is wrong.

I washed a sink full of dishes by hand this morning.

Later today, I'll pick up a new book on hold at the library. Tomorrow, I'm driving to Indiana to meet BFF in the middle for lunch.

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