Home > Service Call

Service Call

September 4th, 2020 at 04:45 pm

Well, the dishwasher wasn't broken at all. There is a switch in the cabinet under the sink that has to be in the "on" position. I had somehow turned it off, probably moving things around in the cabinet. It never even occurred to me it was related to the dishwasher. I don't think it even registered on my brain that it was there.

So, even though it was $109 just to flip a switch, it is still good news. The repairman told me if it had been an electrical problem, I probably would have had to replace the dishwasher because the cost would have been so prohibitive.

I have been so good about keeping up on handwashing, I won't have to run it for a while!

1 Responses to “Service Call”

  1. Wink Says:

    It can happen to anyone! I once had a repairman come over to look at my garbage disposal that stopped working. All I had to do was use the little wrench thing to give it a turn or two and viola, all fixed. Took him 30 seconds. But now I know what that little tool was for!

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