Home > Rainy Day

Rainy Day

September 6th, 2020 at 04:20 pm

It's a cool, rainy morning. Quite a change from the weather we've had most of the summer. We were tentatively planning to have a picnic today in the park, but I think it will take place tomorrow, weather permitting.

I'm in another one of those periods where I need to seriously curtail spending -- at least until the 11th when my Discover card enters a new cycle. It should be no problem. I have plenty of food and everything I need on hand. I WILL have to charge a gift for my Oregon grandson on the 10th -- his birthday is the 11th. With any luck it won't post until the new cycle. With more luck the package will be delivered on his birthday. Since his dad is an Amazon employee, they'll make sure to do next-day delivery, right? Right.

This drought is not due to a real money problem -- I can always choose to transfer a bit from savings, or pay less principal on my mortgage. But I don't want to.

I have just finished a book that I read so fast it never made it to my "currently reading" reference on my sidebar. It is "Station Eleven," by Emily St. John Mandel. It's a pandemic story (written years ago), but much more than that. I couldn't put it down.

Today I'm starting a book from the tiny library, and I have a couple more in reserve. Good thing, because the regular library is not accepting holds until after the 8th -- they are doing some heavy maintenance on their website due to incorporating a couple of new catalogs from neighboring libraries.

Meals today will be simple. A BLT for lunch, and chicken fajitas for dinner. All ready to assemble. I already had a veggie-cheese omelet for breakfast. No laundry to do today. It will be a restful day, listening to the raindrops!

2 Responses to “Rainy Day”

  1. jokeabee Says:

    I loved Station 11 but don't know if I would read it right now Wink Her newest novel, The Glass Hotel, is also very difficult to put down!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Yes, I intend to look up her other novels!

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