Home > Picnic Today

Picnic Today

September 7th, 2020 at 04:00 pm

The weather has cleared, and we're having our picnic today. As always, a BYOE picnic. I'm bringing chicken sliders, an apple and cookies.

The other day I bought some duct tape and hair clips at Walgreens - $16 -- which I forgot to report. This was before I declared a spending moratorium. Variables are now at 29%. Pretty high for this early in the month, but the service call for the dishwasher is mostly to blame for that.

I spent a quiet day, mostly reading, yesterday. Today, after I get home from the picnic, I'll do a load of laundry. Time for fresh sheets!

3 Responses to “Picnic Today”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Nothing like fresh sheets and pillowcases!

    Hope the picnic is fun!

  2. Amber Says:

    Glad the weather cleared up, nothing like a great picnic 🧺

  3. Wink Says:

    Sounds like a great day!

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