Home > Yellow Jackets

Yellow Jackets

September 8th, 2020 at 01:14 pm

Here is some advice for handling yellow jackets when you're on a picnic. Bring an apple! As soon as you bite into it, they'll come in for their share. Put the apple in a paper bag and set it some distance away. Voila! You then have a bag full of yellow jackets gorging themselves, too busy to bother you!

Other than the yellow jacket problem, it was a nice day. It was even a little cool; I had to put on a light sweater.

We discussed Thanksgiving plans a little. My ex offered his home, promising that we could manage social distancing and do it safely. I'm on the fence. I would like to go to my brother's -- it's been so long -- but I don't feel like his household and extended family (kids and grandkids) are very serious about safety. In fact, it sounds to me like they're acting like nothing is happening. I don't want to get sick after all this time of careful living. Another thing to keep in mind is that the scientists think it will be worse this fall, fighting the regular flu along with the coronavirus.

I might just make myself a turkey sandwich and call it a day!

Summer has been nice, affording the possibility of socializing in outdoor spaces, but fall is going to be a different story.

It stormed last night and it's still raining today. I made a pot of coffee this morning and found a little while later than nothing at all happened. I moved the coffeemaker to another outlet, and it worked. So when I go to the basement I'll check to see if a fuse blew. If not, I'll have to get someone to check out that particular outlet.

4 Responses to “Yellow Jackets”

  1. starfishy Says:

    Good idea - the apple in a paper bag! But what happened with the bag at the end of the picnic? Seems like it would be dangerous to gather it up.

  2. Wink Says:

    I can imagine that there might be a lot of discussions and dilemmas for people about the upcoming holiday season. I'll be facing the same sort of situation at Christmas with extended family members who haven't been taking the pandemic seriously, and having them over at the holidays. I'm not looking forward to that discussion.

  3. GoodLiving Says:

    Ugh, holidays might be pretty quiet here in my house.

  4. CB in the City Says:

    DIL took the bag to the garbage can at the end of the day. We had been discussing whether we should use a long stick to pick it up (the bag had handles), but she she just picked it up and took it over. The yellow jackets were so busy eating they didn't even move.

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