I got a call from my cousin in California yesterday. He is in urban LA, not close to any fires, but feeling the effects of the air quality. It was good to catch up with him -- we have not talked for several years!
No money news. I'm heading out to Aldi today to get some essentials. I hope not to spend too much.
The towels I ordered arrived yesterday, and they are very nice! One of my more successful online purchases. I think I have finally learned to read all the specs and reviews first.
Even here in the Midwest, far away from the fires, we are starting to see some haze. They showed some pictures this morning of a red ring around the rising sun. Weird!
California Checking In
September 15th, 2020 at 03:16 pm
September 15th, 2020 at 09:44 pm 1600206252