Home > Aldi Trip & Pay Day

Aldi Trip & Pay Day

September 16th, 2020 at 02:18 pm

I spent $64 at Aldi yesterday -- more than I was expecting to. I hope, though, that this grocery trip will hold me through the rest of the month. Variables are at 52%.

Today is pay day. I paid an extra $300 on my mortgage, something I hope I can do every month now.

I am cleaning my oven right now. After living here how many years? I finally noticed that it is a self-cleaning oven. I pressed the button, and we'll see how it does. I don't know what to say except that I always focus on certain buttons on the display and simply didn't notice the auto clean button until I was looking for it.

Later today I'll give the kitchen floor a good scrub.

Not planning to go anywhere today. Glad I have lots of reading material.

1 Responses to “Aldi Trip & Pay Day”

  1. Wink Says:

    Paying the extra $300 a month on your mortgage principal is great!

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