Home > Busy Morning

Busy Morning

September 22nd, 2020 at 08:22 pm

As planned, I went to Panera this morning to get the Tuesday special on a baker's dozen of bagels. After I got home, and I was figuring things up, I realized that I didn't get the special -- I was charged full price. I went back and got it straightened out. Long story short, I ended up paying $4 out of pocket, but I had $5 reimbursed to my gift card, so came out basically free.

After my first trip to Panera, I was planning to go to the bank, but it was too early. So I went to the Goodwill, which is nearby. I was expecting just to browse and perchance find one or two little things. Well, I ended up spending $60! I found a brand-new pair of Van's tennis shoes, 7 new Land's End t-shirts, a full set of Tupperware measuring cups, two trays, two picture frames, and a new coconut-mango scented candle. I really don't need the candle, since I have quite a few, but I couldn't resist the scent.

You might think I don't need 7 t-shirts, but they are pajama tops for me, and the ones I'm using now are getting seriously old and ratty. I will be throwing out a bunch. These shirts are good enough for regular wear, too, so they'll probably do double-duty. I figure each would cost $20 or so at a store or online. I got all 7 for under $30. Beautiful colors, too!

Before I came home I stopped at Aldi and got cream cheese for the bagels and some crackers -- $8. And I did make it to the bank where I was allowed to "buy" one roll of quarters. Sigh.

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