Home > Tranquil Friday

Tranquil Friday

September 25th, 2020 at 04:04 pm

I went to the library yesterday and picked up my book on hold, plus three more from the stacks. Thank goodness for the library! I'm so glad it's open again.

GS2's family birthday party will take place when the grands from the other side of the family are available -- they are traveling -- but I had him come over and pick up his gift, anyway. I know he wants to count his money for whatever it is he's saving for. Something video-related.

Looks like this will be a calm and uneventful day. I have at least one more serving of spaghetti on tap. No laundry to do, no errands to run.

In one more week I'll meet BFF again for lunch. I hope the weather will be nice so we can eat outside again.

In other news, my cousin who was laid up with broken bones and then COVID has been released from rehab and is finally recovering at home. And my nephew who was almost burned out in Oregon will be going home to his undamaged house when the air quality improves.

No financial news, except that my one stock-related investment is trending down. But my condo seems to be increasing in value. I don't know how reliable it is, but Zillow's lowest estimate is $50K more than I paid. I'm not going to change it on my net worth statement, though, until I see hard evidence that that is what condos are selling for in my building.

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