Well, the delivery from Subscribe & Save has been cancelled. However, the charge for it is still on my credit card. I looked on Amazon's site, which said it may take 3-5 days for a credit to come through, so I'll keep an eye on it.
Another book I had on hold at the library has become available, so that means I have an outing today! Yay! I have dressed in real clothes (otherwise I wear pajamas). Usually I try to add on another errand, since I am making the effort go out, but there really isn't anything else I need to do. I will need gas soon, but that can wait till my next Sam's trip.
I had plans to meet BFF this Friday at the halfway point for lunch. However, she is still recovering from her knee surgery -- still icing and elevating her leg -- so it's not a good time for her to take a drive. I hope we can do it in the near future; I really depend on these little treats!
Tomorrow I'll do my September recap. The days are passing so quickly.
Cancelled, But Not
September 30th, 2020 at 04:56 pm