I spent another $42 on Christmas gifts today. I'm getting closer and closer to being done.
Variables are at 31%.
The clothing bar in my spare closet collapsed today. I got it back up, but it's rickety. Meanwhile, it was the perfect opportunity to go through the clothes that had been hanging there and do some sorting and purging. These were all "fancy dress" clothes. I had a collection of them because when I worked in fundraising I needed them for dinners and events. But now I really don't need them at all. I saved about 1/4 in case I find myself going to a special event in the future. I surely wouldn't want to have to buy something new.
I'm going to take the rejects to Goodwill, and I hope they will make someone happy. Most of them are very nice. And most of them I got at Goodwill in the first place.
I took Iggy to the vet yesterday. I spent the whole time in the car. Iggy went in, and the vet communicated with me via phone. She prescribed a change of food and Flagyl, and she gave him fluids. He seems to be much better, but I won't know for sure until he has to poop again. That seems to be what really throws him out of whack. The visit plus meds and few trial cans of food was only $49, very reasonable.
December 6th, 2020 at 07:41 pm 1607283705