Home > Storms & Lost Power

Storms & Lost Power

August 11th, 2021 at 10:19 pm

Last night storms rolled through, and they were rougher than I thought they would be.  I lost power at about 11 pm and it didn't resume until 11 am this morning.  Yep, 12 hours without power.  At least I can be assured that the freezer food is okay.  As far as the fridge food goes, I will have to throw away chicken, eggs, soft cheese, almond milk, and leftover Welsh Rabbit.

I ate breakfast and lunch out because I did not want to open the fridge -- I spent $5 on breakfast and $9 on lunch.  I also bought gas for $32.  Variables are at 39%.

While I was waiting, I went to the library to restock on books, and I dropped a chair off at the refinishers so he knows what shade of stain to use on my table.

This evening I'm going to my son's house for pizza and board games, because it's my BIRTHDAY!  But the best present I'll get is getting the power restored.  When it's out, you really understand how much you rely on it .  Since it's a 90+ degree day, I'm especially glad to have the AC running again!

7 Responses to “Storms & Lost Power”

  1. Micelle Says:

    Happy Birthday, CB. Enjoy your day!

  2. latestart Says:

    Happy Birthday. Glad your power was restored.

  3. Dido Says:

    Happy birthday!

  4. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Happy birthday CB!!! I hope you have your power back, you were very smart not to open the fridge. Hope there's not too much overall damage from the storm.

  5. Laura S Says:

    Happy Birthday CB!

  6. Carol Says:

    Happy birthday!🎂💐🎂

  7. CB in the City Says:

    Thanks, guys!

    Tim, I think both names are legit. I used to call it Welsh rarebit but now I favor the more colorful "rabbit" -- I think it's the older term.

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