Home > Gym & Sam's

Gym & Sam's

August 23rd, 2021 at 03:55 pm

I went to the gym yesterday and then to its next-door neighbor, Sam's Club.  I only wanted two items -- Member's Mark detergent pods, and lactase (dairy aid).  They had neither!  I ended up buying Gain pods, and a package of raspberries, since I was there.  Total was $35.  Then I came home and ordered a dairy aid from Amazon.  I had credits, so the cost was a very reasonable $10 for two bottles (240 caplets).

I still don't know what my income from the RMD's will be, so tracking my variables spending is going to be on hold for a while.

1 Responses to “Gym & Sam's”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    I hate it when I go somewhere for something specific and they don't have it.

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