I got my first RMD payments today. I'm glad to finally know what my monthly income will be. It's a bit higher than I was expecting, even with taxes being withheld. I redid my variables spreadsheet, and now I can say with certainty that I have spent 12% of my variables budget in these three days of September.
For the last ten years or so I have had Straight Talk as the carrier for cell phone service. Yesterday I was notified that my phone was not compatible with their new updated 5G service, and that I would have to buy a new phone. Well, I bought a phone in March, so I wasn't crazy about that idea. I called them today, because I thought they might not have my new phone in their records -- I don't recall that I ever let them know -- so I talked to an agent, and he said that if I went to Walmart and got a new sim card, I would probably be okay. I'll do that tomorrow. I've fallen into a routine where I run errands on gym days -- every three days -- and I like it.
I got my last interest-only payment from my retirement fund just the other day, so I'm feeling quite flush! But this was a good time for that to happen, because I think my table will be done soon and that will be a big bill. I forgot to mention the other day that this was happening, in addition to insurance, birthdays, and property tax!
September 4th, 2021 at 04:01 pm 1630767706
You won't need a 5G phone yet. They are closing down the *3G* networks, so older phones (like mine from January 2013) won't work, but anything with 4G should be good for a few years. Far more people currently have 4G phones than have upgraded to 5G phones. That will come eventually, but you should have a few years with your 4G phone.
September 4th, 2021 at 07:47 pm 1630781230
Hope you post some photos of your table when you get it.