Home > December Recap & 2021 Recap

December Recap & 2021 Recap

December 31st, 2021 at 06:44 pm


Housing - $795

Gifts/Charity - $788

Groceries - $233

Medical/Health - $202

Utilities - $187

Personal - $99

Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $63

Gas - $52

Fees/Services - $40

Entertainment - $34

Phone - $31

Eating Out/Takeout - $25

Household Supplies - $24

Laundry - $18

Pet Supplies - $11

Clothing/Accessories - $5

Parking - $1

Grand Total - $2,608

It wasn't a bad month, really.  The biggest chunk was Christmas spending, which affected both "Gifts/Charity" and groceries.  The other categories were pretty much in line.   The higher-than-usual medical was due to getting my crown recemented.


2021 (With comparison to 2020)

Housing - $9546 ($9708)

Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $2719 ($1332)

Utilities - $2246 ($2148)

Gifts/Charity - $1707 ($3888)

Insurance - $1695 ($864)

Groceries - $1408 ($1596)

Fees/Services - $1184 ($564)

Medical Health - $1142 ($1848)

Car Repair/Maintenance - $1135 ($2184)

Vacation/Travel - $1028 ($0)

Taxes - $938 ($912)

Home Repair/Maintenance - $748 ($5076)

Vet/Pet Supplies - $742 ($1104)

Personal - $644 ($168)

Phone - $506 ($612)

Eating Out/Takeout - $498 ($540)

Gas - $357 ($204)

Entertainment - $325 ($288)

Clothing/Accessories - $236 ($204)

Household Supplies - $214 ($276)

Laundry - $196 ($204)

Grand Total - $29,215 ($33,720)

So -- I spent less in 2021.  2020 was a bad year for home repairs, car repairs, vet bills, medical, and gifts.  But great for no vacation costs!  2021 saw a big jump in insurance, furnishings (mostly due to table refinishing), fees/services (tollway costs?).  Gas - higher but not as much higher as I would have guessed.  Food -- both groceries and eating out -- was lower this year than last.  I credit that to much more discipline in the kitchen -- and fewer opportunities to eat out.

Net worth rose from $206,582 to $219,295.  Some of that is due to a higher market value on my condo.  I have deliberately been very conservative on how much my condo is worth, because I know that a sale is a tricky business, no guarantee.  Anyway, I'm very pleased that my net worth has risen at all, given that I am retired and not bringing in much income!

On to 2022!  I can hardly wait!

3 Responses to “December Recap & 2021 Recap”

  1. mumof2 Says:

    just wondering if the amounts you use are what you actualy pay or the amounts you put away for them...I am just starting at tracking things with more individualised outgoing instead of just accounts and paying out of would be interested.

    Thanks...hope you have a prosperous 2022

  2. Dido Says:

    Congrats on lower spending and the increase in net worth, and best wishes for a happy & healthy new year!

    Do you have any thoughts of getting another cat?

  3. CB in the City Says:

    mumof2, these are amounts I have spent. I don't track in any categories till the money is spent. Before that, the money sits in savings.

    Dido, I am trying to determine if my allergies may be cat dander allergies! Right now I am babysitting my kids' cat, and I don't seem worse than usual. Also, I am planning -- after this omicron thing dies down -- a train trip to Oregon, and I don't want to leave a new pet for that extended period of time. So I won't consider an adoption until that trip is done.

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