Housing - $795
Gifts/Charity - $788
Groceries - $233
Medical/Health - $202
Utilities - $187
Personal - $99
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $63
Gas - $52
Fees/Services - $40
Entertainment - $34
Phone - $31
Eating Out/Takeout - $25
Household Supplies - $24
Laundry - $18
Pet Supplies - $11
Clothing/Accessories - $5
Parking - $1
Grand Total - $2,608
It wasn't a bad month, really. The biggest chunk was Christmas spending, which affected both "Gifts/Charity" and groceries. The other categories were pretty much in line. The higher-than-usual medical was due to getting my crown recemented.
2021 (With comparison to 2020)
Housing - $9546 ($9708)
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $2719 ($1332)
Utilities - $2246 ($2148)
Gifts/Charity - $1707 ($3888)
Insurance - $1695 ($864)
Groceries - $1408 ($1596)
Fees/Services - $1184 ($564)
Medical Health - $1142 ($1848)
Car Repair/Maintenance - $1135 ($2184)
Vacation/Travel - $1028 ($0)
Taxes - $938 ($912)
Home Repair/Maintenance - $748 ($5076)
Vet/Pet Supplies - $742 ($1104)
Personal - $644 ($168)
Phone - $506 ($612)
Eating Out/Takeout - $498 ($540)
Gas - $357 ($204)
Entertainment - $325 ($288)
Clothing/Accessories - $236 ($204)
Household Supplies - $214 ($276)
Laundry - $196 ($204)
Grand Total - $29,215 ($33,720)
So -- I spent less in 2021. 2020 was a bad year for home repairs, car repairs, vet bills, medical, and gifts. But great for no vacation costs! 2021 saw a big jump in insurance, furnishings (mostly due to table refinishing), fees/services (tollway costs?). Gas - higher but not as much higher as I would have guessed. Food -- both groceries and eating out -- was lower this year than last. I credit that to much more discipline in the kitchen -- and fewer opportunities to eat out.
Net worth rose from $206,582 to $219,295. Some of that is due to a higher market value on my condo. I have deliberately been very conservative on how much my condo is worth, because I know that a sale is a tricky business, no guarantee. Anyway, I'm very pleased that my net worth has risen at all, given that I am retired and not bringing in much income!
On to 2022! I can hardly wait!
January 1st, 2022 at 09:32 am 1641029558
Thanks...hope you have a prosperous 2022
January 1st, 2022 at 08:59 pm 1641070782
Do you have any thoughts of getting another cat?
January 3rd, 2022 at 03:28 pm 1641223696
Dido, I am trying to determine if my allergies may be cat dander allergies! Right now I am babysitting my kids' cat, and I don't seem worse than usual. Also, I am planning -- after this omicron thing dies down -- a train trip to Oregon, and I don't want to leave a new pet for that extended period of time. So I won't consider an adoption until that trip is done.