My son and GS2 came over yesterday with a new legacy board game for the three of us to play. I had told my son I would pay for it -- he didn't allow me to do that, but he did accept half, which was $20.
I forgot to mention I got a real expensive lunch at Sam's the other day - $1.50 for a hot dog and .25 for a bottle of water! And today I ran a load of laundry. Variables are now 77%. (I forgot to count the body work in my previous variables report.)
GS1 has a baseball game tomorrow, but it is early afternoon and almost an hour away. I assume my son won't go because he has to work -- unless he has asked for the time off. If he is going, I'll ride along with him, but otherwise I'll pass on this one. Gas is too costly these days. And GS1 will probably not play.
Today I was put something away in one of my closets and the bar full of hanging clothes collapsed. It's done that before. I decided not to try to fix it. Instead I did a big purge and reshuffling, and now I only have hanging clothes in one place. I have one large bag and two small bags to take to Goodwill, next time I get out in that direction.
March 27th, 2022 at 07:19 pm 1648405167