Home > Father's Day Coming Up

Father's Day Coming Up

June 18th, 2022 at 06:23 pm

It's Father's Day tomorrow. I'll be celebrating with my ex -- who of course is the father of my children -- and my local son, and the spouses and grandchildren as well.  I'm planning to make some strawberry applesauce for the brunch.

Today I walked to Walgreens and bought Father's Day cards ($7) and coffee ($7).

I looked at sea salt hair spray but couldn't find anything I thought was in a good price range, so I came home and ordered some from Amazon for $6.

Variables are at 53%.

As English Castle said, it is indeed "cooler by the lake." It is lovely today, sunny with a light breeze, and I enjoyed the walk.

4 Responses to “Father's Day Coming Up”

  1. Amber Says:

    Enjoy your time with your family

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Hope you have a good Father's Day with your family.

    I'm interested in your recipe for Strawberry applesauce.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    Haha, I thought someone might ask for the recipe. In truth, I don't have one. I mixed some ready-made applesauce with strawberry jam. I can't even tell you the amounts, because I was using up jars. But of course you use way more applesauce than jam. Go for a nice pinkish shade. I heated it up on the stovetop so that it was thoroughly mixed and then let it cool and chill.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Thanks, CB. Kind of reminds me of my mother-in-law's recipe for applesauce and red hots.

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