It was a pretty good month. I kept variables down to 80%. I'll be able to sweep $840 into savings, though I won't do that until my insurance payment is withdrawn in the next few days, and my RMDs are deposited. Don't want to cut it too close.
Housing: $746
Fees/Services: $200
Utilities: $190
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor: $171
Gifts/Charity: $140
Groceries: $93
Medical/Health: $56
Household Supplies: $45
Gas: $40
Personal: $39
Eating Out/Takeout: $39
Phone: $32
Entertainment: $17
Laundry: $16
Grand Total: $1824
The fee referenced above is the annual subscription to Webroot and a service plan through Best Buy.
The rather high F/E/D category came about because I ordered supplies for my upcoming train trip, I bought a box of dishes at a garage sale, and I treated myself to some new pans.
Gifts were higher than usual because there were two birthdays this month.
Nothing remarkable about the other categories, but I am proud that groceries were less than $100, even though I stopped receiving free food from the senior center.
I have felt a bit queasy all day today and I've stayed home. The heat isn't helping. It's in the nineties. I stood it as long as I could before I turned on the air. I slept very poorly last night and I'm very tired. A brief afternoon nap helped.
I intended to go to the gym today, but I'll have to make it tomorrow, if I feel better.
June 30th, 2022 at 11:51 pm 1656629514
July 1st, 2022 at 09:19 pm 1656706790