Bah! November! Too much spending, especially for the month before Christmas, with very few dollars actually going toward Christmas gifts.
Housing - $746
Home Repair/Maintenance - $509
Gifts/Charity - $225
Fees/Services - $195
Utilities - $192
Vacation/Travel - $126
Medical/Health - $116
Groceries - $85
Gas - $63
Vet/Pet Supplies - $61
Eating Out/Takeout - $55
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $53
Household Supplies - $49
Personal - $46
Phone - $32
Entertainment - $25
Laundry - $14
Fares/Parking - $1
Grand Total - $2593
Variables - 129%
A last-minute charge from Amazon for Prime subscription changed my variables. Plus, there were some adjustments, for a few things I hadn't logged.
Anyway, the home repair was the plumbing bill. Gifts were mostly birthday gifts in a month packed with birthdays. Fees/services included the above-mentioned Prime membership, plus my tollway pass and AARP. Vacation/Travel - Thanksgiving trip. Most other stuff is self-explantory, but the Groceries deserves a mention. $15 below my $100 goal. Yay! Of course, traveling and eating out helped with that.
Tomorrow I will start seriously Christmas shopping.
I have learned that assessment fees for next year will increase by 5%. I'm not at all surprised. I'm looking forward to that raise in Social Security. At least it will make things a little more manageable, I hope.