I traded in my Kia Soul yesterday and bought a 2021 Toyota Corolla. My ex came with me and insisted that he was going to help out financially. I was in no position to argue. (Though I did.) In the end, I contributed $6,000 in cash and the $7,200 value of the trade-in. He paid for the rest of it, and I'm embarrassed to say how much that was. I told him I would pay him back, as I was able, and he said he didn't want me to.
Some history here -- when we divorced, he was so besotted with his new love that he had no regard for what was going to happen to me. He did everything he could to limit child support (there was no alimony), and all his energy seemed to go toward impressing my replacement and lavishing her with gifts. In the following years, his income skyrocketed while I struggled for every penny, and he seemed to be completely blind to that. He made many comments that indicated he thought we lived similar lives.
Fast forward to now -- he is no longer besotted with his new love and other family members tell me he has cheated on her several times. Big surprise. Not. But his attitude toward me has changed, and he has given me money for several home repairs in the past few years -- and now this. I do think he is trying to make amends, but he is not able to say he's sorry. He's just that limited in character. But I will take the money, even though it is uncomfortable, because I think I've earned it. And because I was in a bind, and this needed to be done.
I have some work to do to build back my savings. I will do it, bit by bit.
Some short-range challenges -- my phone holder doesn't fit, so I'm going to have to figure that out. And I can't figure out where to put the charging cord. Bluetooth is a mystery to me. I'm hoping my son can help me with the technical issues.
Today is a grocery shopping day, but I have enough food on hand and I'm going to defer it as long as I can.
February 8th, 2023 at 01:32 pm 1675863166
February 8th, 2023 at 06:37 pm 1675881432
Your continued independence is a gift to your children who would surely feel the need to assist you if you needed it.
You are also generous to participate in family events, not forcing your sons and grandchildren to constantly choose between their parents.
You can stand proud for your sweet and forgiving nature which improves the lives of those you love.
February 8th, 2023 at 07:14 pm 1675883693
Your ex can afford to chip in towards your car and he offered. You are the mother of his children, whom you struggled to provide for without much help. IMO, there is no reason you should not accept his gift.
February 9th, 2023 at 05:50 am 1675921807
February 9th, 2023 at 09:45 am 1675935933
February 9th, 2023 at 11:46 pm 1675986383
February 10th, 2023 at 02:36 pm 1676039770
February 20th, 2023 at 11:37 pm 1676936274