Housing - $769
Utilities - $171 (low because gas bill did not hit this month, due to holiday)
Groceries - $100
Fees/Services - $40 (replenishment of tollway pass)
Vacation/Travel - $36 (short trip to brother's house)
Medical/Health - $33 (premium and band aids)
Eating Out/Takeout - $30
Gas - $28
Furnishings/Equipment/Decor - $24 (avocado keeper, mini-cooler)
Entertainment - $23 (streaming)
Laundry - $20
Household Supplies - $16 (dishwasher detergent)
Home Repair/Maintenance - $15 (doorknob set)
Clothing/Accessories - $12 (jeans from Goodwill)
Phone - $33
Car - $7 (car washes)
Personal - $4 (hair conditioner)
Gifts/Charity/Hosting - $2 (donations)
Fares/Parking - $1
Grand Total - $1364