Home > August Spending

August Spending

August 5th, 2023 at 12:54 am

August is starting out with some mild spending. I spent $31 on groceries ($11 over my limit). I'll have to make it up later. I also spent $6 on reusable straws. This was at Aldi. I've spent $4 on laundry, $42 on OTC medications, $12 on dryer sheets (from Sam's), and $16 on clothing from Goodwill -- two tops and a pair of exercise pants, very good buys. 

One of my window air conditioners has pretty much lost its accordian side panels. They are falling apart, and when my son and I installed the unit this summer we kind of jerry-rigged something to make do. However, when I came home from Oregon I found that a storm had knocked a hole in the setup and water came in. I scrounged up some plastic pieces and closed off the space, but it won't last. I need to get real replacement panels. I have picked out something from Amazon that I think will work, but I have to get the okay from my son, because he's the one who's going to install them. And he knows more about that kind of thing. I have picked out a sturdy set, and it will be about $50 along with the weatherstripping and tape. It will be worth it if it will keep the elements out. And it will look a lot better.

I'm going to the eye doctor on Monday and will most likely get glasses. Then on Tuesday I have an appointment with my GP. My knee is somewhat improved but I want to figure out just what's wrong and what I need to do next. Then on Wednesday, I go the dermatological surgeon and get the skin cancer removed.

Window washing is going to be done on Monday and Tuesday, so I have to remove screens and take down the air conditioners (thus making it even more important that I get the proper accessories to properly reinstall!) Oh, it's going to be a week.

I was told to schedule an dermatology appointment for a full body scan. I called this morning and was first offered an appointment one year from now! After the scheduler looked at all locations in my group, she found an opening for February 1 in a suburb about a half hour away. Crazy. I am on a waiting list for any opening that comes up sooner than that. Apparently, we are really deprived of dermatologists in this area.

3 Responses to “August Spending”

  1. Amber Says:

    I spent so much on groceries, it’s nuts. I’m sorry about the AC, hopefully you’ll get it fixed. And hopefully you’ll hear from the doctor soon

    Just a FYI, I’ve ordered glasses from Zeelool, it’s much less expensive and the glasses are great

  2. Wink Says:

    It really is aggravating to have to wait so long to see specialists. I have a partially torn tendon in my right elbow that was confirmed through an MRI. I have had to wait 2 months to get in to see an orthopedic specialist (I see her next week). I hope your week goes smoothly!

  3. CB in the City Says:

    Thanks, Amber! I actually have vision benefits through my Medicare Advantage plan, so I think I will get the glasses free or cheap. Fingers crossed!

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