Housing | 769 |
Utilities | 199 |
Medical/Health | 179 |
Groceries | 96 |
Clothing | 90 |
Furn/Equip/Décor | 89 |
Fees & Services | 85 |
Eating Out/Takeout | 53 |
Household Supplies | 41 |
Phone | 38 |
Gas | 37 |
Entertainment | 31 |
Laundry | 20 |
Gifts/Charity | 6 |
Car | 5 |
Fares/Parking | 2 |
Grand Total 1740
Variables 100%
This was my lowest-spending month this year! Even though I spent more than usual on medical, and I bought some clothes and new sheets. It helped that there were no big-ticket items this month.
I transferred $3K to savings. That's what happens when I keep my spending in line.
September 4th, 2023 at 10:01 pm 1693861290